Pick my Pregnancy Brain

Hustling to finish writing a new pilot before giving birth to my first child has caused a flood of Jewish/Catholic guilt. Okay, so I’m not that Jewish or Catholic in practice, but I have inherited the guilt gene from both sides of my family. And what I’m feeling guilty about today is blowing off the slew of lovely people who have asked me to coffee lately to “pick my brain.” Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried to schedule things, it’s just that those things keep getting “pushed.” And that’s where the guilt comes in. I’m not a flakey LA person. And I don’t like to push things, especially without rescheduling. Normally, I love to give of my time. I was an acting/writing coach for many years and I adored sharing with my students whatever knowledge I was picking up along the way as I endeavored to make my own Hollywood dreams come true. Pay it forward is my motto! But sometimes, as my dreams get closer, there is just no time for coffee. And sometimes there is pregnancy brain added to no time for coffee. And sometimes putting on real clothes and going out into the world just feels wrong. So, I’m starting a blog. Where I will try to share whatever I think might be helpful or of value to young artists as they endeavor to make their dreams come true. And where you can ask me questions directly. I have no idea if anyone will actually write to me to ask questions, but if you do I will do my best to get back to you in a timely fashion. And maybe by sharing my responses to you publicly, other people will benefit from hearing your questions and my attempts to answer them as well? Who knows? We’ll see. It’s all a grand experiment anyway…